Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pictures from Santa Marta

A typical traditional home in Santa Marta.

Everyone works in Santa Marta. These girls were carrying their laundry back home after washing in the river.

These are artifacts collected during and after the war. These were all found in Santa Marta. The people there are hoping to build a museum to help future generations understand what happened. They anticipate the museum will cost $20,000 to build. Currently they have saved $350.

This is a part of one of the bombs that was dropped on Santa Marta. Most of the bombs weighed over 500lbs. The bombs were loaded with pieces of metal shavings that would exploded out upon impact. We met a man who still has pieces of this metal lodged in his brain.

This was the soccer field in town. On Sunday afternoons there is always a game going on.

Another traditional home in Santa Marta.

Another home. Here the wash was done in the river and then carried back home and hung out to dry.

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