Saturday, May 1, 2010

International Workers' Day March

Today was the celebration of the International Workers' Day. The city of San Salvador had a huge march that went on for miles and also had a festival with many bands. Our group went to the march and witnessed a huge out-pouring with regard to this holiday. It is interesting to note that International Workers' Day, May 1st, is celebrated all over the globe. However, within the United States, especially within my state of Michigan, there is little mention. This is true despite the fact that the first march took place in Chicago, IL in 1886. Here, in El Salvador, the workers all march and note that they have rights to fair laws and practice regarding the number of hours within the work-day, to unionize with representation, and to be able to have breaks on the job for meals and for bathroom usage. Further, many of the workers marched noting that they had the right to organize and advocate for themselves. There were marchers from all employment sectors including medical personnel, utility workers, factory employees, and sex workers. It was very cool to see. It was obvious that these individuals had a great passion about this march and that fair and equitable treatment within the workplace is still not where it needs to be.

1 comment:

  1. Jules I'm sure your eyes are wide at all you have seen. Makes me think of NIca. I'm proud of you! A little music please.
